E.ON UK portal

It can so you can
"TomTom has successfully managed to combine strategic consultative insight with inspirational creative flair to deliver a range of robust solutions over the years. It is refreshing to find one agency that can switch so effortlessly between traditional and online projects."

New Media Manager, E.ON UK

While it's business as usual today, when E.ON UK first launched its SharePoint portal, it faced some big challenges, both in terms of designing an interface that would be easy to use and in asking employees to move from a system that were already familiar with to one that they didn't recognise.

TomTom worked closely with E.ON's new media team, developing a positioning and delivering a campaign to incentivise trial and help make the move to the new platform easier.

We also worked closely with technical and communications teams to develop an easy-to-use guide for content managers, enabling them to migrate content to the new system efficiently and easily.

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